Focus: Your entire profile needs to be talking to your ideal dream client and how you help them. – Mandy McEwen

LinkedIn is a phenomenal place to find great clients but so many of us aren’t doing it. Why is it so important to be specific about our target market and have a strong profile? How can we leverage everything LinkedIn gives us? What are some of the mistakes we’re making? On this episode, agency owner and Agency Growth and Lead Generation Coach, Mandy McEwen shares how to generate high quality leads on LinkedIn.

3 Things We Learned from Mandy McEwen

How to generate leads for professional services on LinkedIn.
The first thing we need to do is be specific about who exactly we’re going after. Don’t be vague, it won’t get any results. Optimize the profile, speaking to who we want to see it. Our entire profile needs to be talking to our ideal dream client and how we help them.

How to turn that LinkedIn process into a system using simple tools and automated messaging.
Pay for LinkedIn Premium or Sales Navigator at least to get a list. Use a tool Like Dux-Soup to filter and get specific about you we are targeting. Dux-Soup visits those profiles on your behalf, so people will see that you visited their profile. A percentage of those will visit our profiles back and that’s why it has to be 100% optimized.

Finding and focusing on our specific niche.
Finding your niche makes your life so much easier because it means that we get to master our craft, and we’ll make more money and actually enjoy your work. It becomes easier to do the whole process, set up a system and there isn’t a learning curve so the work moves a lot smoother.

Getting a lead on LinkedIn isn’t just a one touch process that gets you paid immediately. It’s a multi-step process and that’s what gets so many of us tripped up. We can’t just sell yourself straight out the gate. It all comes back to speaking to our dream clients, having a conversation offering value and saving the selling for last. Anything less than that will get ignored.

About our Featured Guest:

Mandy is the Founder and CEO Mod Girl Marketing LLC. She is an Agency Growth and Lead Generation Coach who helps small businesses and digital marketing agencies increase leads & profits. Go to to join her free masterclass and check out Facebook Group – Mod Agency Insiders.

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How to Get Featured On the Right Podcasts & Leverage Outside Audiences to Grow Your Business

Right now your competitors are out there….

  • Getting featured on podcasts
  • Speaking on stages
  • Appearing on webinars, virtual summits and YouTube series

So when your prospects are thinking of a service like yours, are you the very FIRST name that comes to mind?

If not, you have a huge opportunity to pull in front. To be more visible, build more authority, create more credibility.

Podcast interviews.

If you know that podcast interviews will help you attract more clients, speaking opportunities, book sales and social proof, don’t let your competitors have all the fun!

Watch the free training: How to Get Featured On the Right Podcasts & Leverage Outside Audiences to Grow Your Business