A podcast needs a runway, not an expectation of instant results. You’re going to need time to cultivate it and you can’t bypass your goals. – Jeff Large

The only metrics worth keeping track of are the ones that actually lead you to the goal you have in mind. -Matt Johnson

People who launch podcasts are often so focused on the downloads their shows can generate they miss out on the real opportunity.

This mindset leads us away from our Clear and Compelling Idea, and the people who will actually take the action that hits our goal for the podcast.

A narrow focus on downloads also goes against the true purpose of podcasting. We should leverage the medium as a vehicle for converting people’s beliefs over time, not a platform for quick monetization.

Whether we’re looking to get in front of more of our ideal clients, or sell our coaching programs and services, the goal is always going to dictate the metrics that matter.

How do we make sure we’re launching podcasts that support our business goals? How are podcasters using different formats and feeds to get more granular with their podcast goals?


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In this episode, I’m joined by agency owner, podcast producer and podcast host, Jeff Large. We discuss how to break the downloads-focused mindset, and why it’s critical to set the right expectations before launch.

Things We Learned from Jeff Large

  • The KPIs he relates back to clients so they know their podcast is performing well.
  • How he teaches marketing teams to rethink analytics so podcasts can achieve goals that are relevant to the business.
  • New developments in podcasting platforms and formats and how they are expanding our freedom of expression.
  • The effectiveness of podcast networks and who they truly work for.

Guest Bio-

Jeff Large is an agency owner, podcast host, producer, strategist and Owner of Come Alive Creative. Businesses and brands hire Jeff’s team to produce their podcasts and develop strategies for their content marketing. He helps his clients establish trust, authority, and relationships through podcasting.

For more information on Jeff’s work, to read his blogs and listen to his podcast visit https://www.jefflarge.com/.

To learn more about the agency, visit https://comealivecreative.com/.