If I can meet the market’s challenge, and get ahead of it, I can stay relevant and current.  -Belinda Ellsworth

One of the biggest challenges coaches, speakers and consultants face today is how the speed of change in relevant tactics has impacted our shelf life in the business. Staying current and relevant has never been more critical to our professional longevity.

The experts who have managed to stay relevant have figured out how to pivot, how to keep driving value and even the new niches they can step into. The key is positioning ourselves and our expertise in a narrative that has long-term appeal.

What are some of the most common mistakes coaches and consultants are making? How did Belinda Ellsworth build a reputation for herself in direct sales that has lasted decades, and what drove the exploration of a new niche?


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In this episode, direct sales expert, author, professional trainer, speaker and podcast host, Belinda Ellsworth talks about how she has significantly extended what people believe is the shelf-life of a speaker, and the big shift in her business.

Things You’ll Learned from Belinda Ellsworth

  • The 5 pillars every business needs to have today to have stability, diversity and relevance. 
  • Why the smart way to break into speaking, coaching and thought leadership is to launch from the power base of a company platform.
  • How to ensure the longevity of our expertise and authority in a world with rapid changes in tactics, algorithms and platforms
  • How podcasting has become an informal but strategic referral system.

Guest Bio-
Belinda Ellsworth is a direct sales expert, author, professional trainer, speaker and podcast host. She has devoted over 40 years to the direct sales industry. She has an undeniable passion for this industry. With her energetic style and expertise, Belinda has positively impacted sales forces throughout the United States, Canada and abroad. She has worked with more than 200 different direct sales companies as a consultant and conference speaker and impacted thousands more through her seminars and training programs. Belinda is the International Best-Selling Author of Direct Selling for Dummies, Host of the podcast Work From Your Happy Place, as well as a DSA Ethos Award for Partnership recipient.

For more information visit https://www.stepintosuccess.com/ and for the podcast, visit https://www.workfromyourhappyplace.com/.