You can’t scale or grow without trust. -Maureen Condon

Professional service agency owners all deal with the “Dip” before our work pays off and starts showing results in the client’s bank account. How can we take care of this in advance when we’re still onboarding our clients? Why is the first 90 days of our client relationships so critical, and how do we set the stage for a long-term engagement during that time? How do we keep our staff relentlessly executing week after week, month after month when we’re working with a client long-term?

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On this episode, marketing expert and principal at Precision Marketing Group, Maureen Condon, shares how to build trust and credibility in the first days of engagement with a client, keeping an agency energized for long-term work and the importance of speaking the language of being a part of a client’s business.

3 Things We Learned from Maureen Condon

  • How Quick Wins build trust and help get clients through the “Dip” – the first 3-6 months of a long-term strategy
  • Why WE don’t have to keep up with all the latest marketing tactics
  • How Maureen’s team specializes internally to keep service levels high but still offer a range of services – incredibly difficult to pull off!

Plus Maureen’s agency has possibly the best marketing tagline of all: “Anyone can measure marketing in adjectives. We track it in dollar signs.”

About our Featured Guest:

Maureen is the Principal at Precision Marketing Group, an outsourced marketing department for entrepreneurial B2B organizations. Her specialties include Account & Project Management, Strategic Planning, Content Creation, Client Communications.Connect with Maureen on LinkedIn or go to for more information.

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How to Get Featured On the Right Podcasts & Leverage Outside Audiences to Grow Your Business

Right now your competitors are out there….

  • Getting featured on podcasts
  • Speaking on stages
  • Appearing on webinars, virtual summits and YouTube series

So when your prospects are thinking of a service like yours, are you the very FIRST name that comes to mind?

If not, you have a huge opportunity to pull in front. To be more visible, build more authority, create more credibility.

Podcast interviews.

If you know that podcast interviews will help you attract more clients, speaking opportunities, book sales and social proof, don’t let your competitors have all the fun!

Watch the free training: How to Get Featured On the Right Podcasts & Leverage Outside Audiences to Grow Your Business