Alina is now an agency owner in her own right, founder of Effortless Engine: She launches and produces podcasts for 7-8 figure consulting businesses.

We talk through how Alina discovered this niche, how she shifted her freelance work to focus on this niche, and how this evolved into building her own agency selling one program to one type of client.

She also shared her experience working as a team member with our agency, learning how we launch podcasts and work with new clients. She was able to take some of our systems, tweak and build on them for her own specific purposes, and build a great business on her own.

It’s a great story of what we aim to do with all of our team members – give them a path to growth regardless of whether they stay on our team or not. We understand that most people will move on from our team to bigger and better things, and we want to change lives on the way by passing on systems, insight and (hopefully) wisdom that will make their business journey easier.

Make sure to connect with Alina and check out her program!


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